What are Amazon Ads, and Types of Amazon Ads Available?

PPC Management Company
Monday, August 1, 2022 | PPC News

Amazon has 310 million customers worldwide. Amazon is an eCommerce website. Which has been out there for customers’ use for almost the past two decades. It is fascinating that an eCommerce website has redefined the meaning of shopping. Even before Amazon was there, the shops offered door delivery. Door delivery from the shop and service will give you that service and product. But Amazon has extended its way out and provides everything on your doorstep with just one click. How amazing is Amazon? No one can deny that Amazon has made shopping easy and comfortable. It gives a -z service at the best price and helps the audience to get the best products at the best price. Amazon PPC management ensures taking care of the marketing side of the website. Let’s see what Amazon Ads are and how many types there are.

What are Amazon Ads?

Amazon Ads is nothing but Amazon Advertising, known as Amazon Marketing Services. It is a service that works similarly to pay-per-click ads on Google. Sellers only pay when shoppers click on ads. This way, the sellers also save a lot of money and target only their audience. Amazon advertising helps your organic performance by launching your products to the top of the results. Recent research suggests that 35% of Amazon shoppers click on the first product on the search page. It tells you why one should invest in Amazon ads. Amazon definitely not only has redefined the idea of shopping but also, in marketing and ads, they have carved their mark and made it successful.

Types of Amazon Ads

Amazon has its unique way of doing things. Over the years, they have branched their services and tried various ways to be in contact with the audience in the best way. There are many types of Amazon Ads. The multiple types of Amazon Ads are Audio Ads, Video Ads, Custom advertising, Amazon attribution, Stores, Sponsored brands, and Sponsored products. Let’s see the most popular types of ads down here and how it works.

Audio Ads

These audio ads played in the form of audio. You can hear these types of ads on amazon devices like Alexa, Echo, and Fire TV. These will appear on the desktop, mobile, or Tv that’s connected to these things. The audience who uses these devices invariably gets to know about your product and service while listening to this.

Video Ads

Streaming TV ads will appear on connected TVs, publisher channels and networks, IMDb, and IMDb TV. Out-stream video ads appear outside of video content, both on and off Amazon. These Video Ads will ensure to attract the audience at all possible levels.


These are free! Okay, these types of ads will promote your portfolio. These will be posted on the multi-page destinations of Amazon. You can make the audience aware of your brand’s story. This way, they will feel a connection with your brand and store. It is one of the best ways to promote it with Amazon.

Sponsored Products

It is the best and most popular way. These Amazon ads will be self-service. It is a cost-per-click ad, which shows your listing in the shopping results at the top with all the essential details. In this way, you will be ahead of most of your competitors, and of course, PPC management company ensures that your ads will be placed in a reachable way.


Keep it Google or Amazon, they have surely redefined the market standards with their innovation and marketing strategies.

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